Wealth Management for people doing things the way they want.

Understanding your needs

From planning for retirement or protecting and preserving wealth, BriceAmery offers objective advice and solutions. We work the banking community and financial specialist teams to delivery suitable recommendations for every aspect of your wealth


Wealth Management Advice Service

Our in-depth understanding of the intricacies of wealth, every aspect of our advice - from assessment to delivery and implementation - is tailored to your unique requirements  


Investment Services

Professional and accessible advisors are our hallmark of wealth managers at BriceAmery. Our risk-based approach to portfolio construction delivers a considered investment solution to support your wealth management needs


Expert Advice

All of our wealth managers are accredited beyond industry standards, ensuring the highest expertise


Tailored Recommendation

Our unique recommendations are driven by informed insight and discussion of your wealth

Responsible Investing

We consider Environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) factors as part of our investment process

Advice and product fees may apply. The value of investments and income from them can also fall and rise, and you may not recover the amount of your original investment.

BriceAmery Investments

BriceAmery offers advice across a range of investment and portfolio services. Drawing on a broad range of investment vehicles and structures, we will devise strategies to meet your long-term goals, aligned to the complexity of your financial circumstances


Investment portfolios managed by a team of experts with a proven track record


Access to BriceAmery investment expertise to support you in making the final investment decision  

Dealing & Exchange

Dedicated services offering real-time equity, bond and FX trading and market updates